Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Asian American Pacific Islander Communities and Mental Health

The Asian American Pacific Islander communities often face unique challenges when it comes to mental health. Many individuals in the AAPI communities may feel stigmatized or ashamed to seek mental health help. Language barriers and limited access to culturally competent mental health services can further hinder their ability to seek treatment. AAPI communities have also […]

Preventing Access to Flavored Tobacco and Banning Menthol Cigarettes

Preventing flavored tobacco use among youth is crucial in reducing the number of young people who start smoking or using tobacco products. Tobacco products such as menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, and e-cigarettes are often marketed towards youth with colorful packaging and candy like flavors. To prevent youth from using tobacco products it’s important to restrict […]

Talking With Your Child About Marijuana

Talking with your child about substance abuse may not always be an easy thing to do, however it is important to have this conversation with openness, honesty and empathy. It’s never too early have the conversation about marijuana use and the risks and effects it has on ones health. It may be helpful to discuss […]

Health Promotion Methods for Smoking Prevention and Cessation

There are several health promotion methods that can be used in preventing tobacco use. One of the most effective methods is through education and awareness campaigns that focus on the harmful effects smoking has on health. Campaigns can be conducted over TV, radio, social media and printed material. Smoking cessation programs can also be helpful […]