Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Natural Remedies to Help You Quit Smoking

Natural remedies can be quite helpful in helping people on their journey of quitting tobacco use. There are many available natural remedies, methods, and therapies, which have been proven to be effective. Quitting smoking can be a challenge, it may even seem impossible, however with the right mindset, good support and helpful remedies, quitting is possible. It’s said that smoking cigarettes is one of the most difficult obstacles to conquer. Many people have tried different things to help them quit, yet still, they may find themselves picking up another cigarette. Natural remedies can be helpful, but some are not yet proven to be safe, and others may not work for certain individuals. It’s important to note that many people have tried a variety of approaches including counseling, quit smoking programs, and stopping cold turkey. It may take a bit of exploration to find the right approach that works for you.

Here is Verywell Minds list of natural remedies that can help you to quit smoking.


People receive acupuncture for many conditions, however studies have shown that it may be effective in helping people quit smoking.

Black pepper

In one study, black pepper essential oil was proven to help people reduce the severity of nicotine cravings.


When performed by a trained professional, hypnosis may be an effective treatment for quitting smoking.

St. John’s Wort

Whether it is effective for these conditions is up for debate. St. Johns Wort may help those who struggle with quitting smoking, however more research needs to be done to verify this.

Fresh Lime Juice

A study done by using lime juice as an alternative to nicotine gum showed higher abstinence just after 7 days, this natural remedy may also be helpful.

Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle changes, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet may also help you in quitting smoking.

With the right mindset and a focused mind quitting tobacco is possible. It may take a bit of trying different remedies, therapies, and lifestyle changes to find the right method that works for you. If you are ready to take those steps in quitting smoking reach out to your doctor or health care provider for best treatment options, they can also help guide you in natural remedies that may work for you. Remember to always talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before trying an alternative treatment.



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