Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Common Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Stress

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life, yet excessive amounts can inflict profound harm on both your physical and mental well-being. The manifestations of stress are multifaceted, arising from various facets of our lives such as work, personal relationships, and financial concerns. Whether grappling with the pressures of daily existence, enduring persistent stressors, or confronting major upheavals like illness or marital dissolution, the toll exacted by stress is considerable, impacting individuals in profound ways across their physiological and emotional spheres. The deleterious effects of stress are far-reaching, potentially compromising immune function, cardiovascular health, and mental resilience, ultimately impeding one’s ability to lead a fulfilling and balanced life. Consequently, understanding the mechanisms of stress and implementing effective coping strategies are paramount for safeguarding both health and overall quality of life amidst life’s inevitable challenges.

Stress sometimes builds gradually, so it isn’t always easy to tell when you’re dealing with too much. Signs that you might be overstressed include symptoms like headaches, anxiety, frequent illnesses, trouble concentrating, and difficulty sleeping. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to deal with stress and reduce the pressure you are feeling. Relaxation techniques, exercise, and rest can help, but working with a mental health professional can also be beneficial.

Verywell Mind

Why It Can Be Hard to Spot the Signs of Too Much Stress

Determining when you’re contending with an unhealthy level of stress poses a challenge for several reasons.

  • Wide variety of effects: Stress impacts the body through a multitude of avenues, with certain effects being overt while others remain subtle or evade detection until they escalate in severity.
  • Personal differences: People vary in the intensity and manner in which they are affected.
  • Ambiguity of symptoms: The resemblance between stress effects and symptoms of other illnesses, partly attributable to stress-induced immunity reduction rendering us susceptible to various conditions, can lead to instances where individuals confuse symptoms of illness with those of stress, and vice versa.
  • Habituation: Individuals who flourish amidst stress often perceive it as their default condition, thereby complicating the recognition of stress symptoms until a significant reduction in stress occurs.
  • Feeling too overwhelmed to notice stress: Paradoxically, individuals experiencing heightened stress levels often struggle to pause and recognize their body’s reactions. It appears contradictory that someone could be “too overwhelmed to perceive their own stress,” yet this phenomenon is not uncommon.

Common Signs That You’re Highly Stressed

Here are some common signs that you are highly stressed.

  • Headaches
  • More frequent colds or flu
  • Sleep problems
  • General anxiety
  • Fuzzy thinking
  • Feeling of frustrations
  • Lowered libido

How to Handle Too Much Stress

  • Try journaling
  • Stay active
  • Get enough sleep
  • Get supports
  • Use relaxation techniques

Experiencing excessive stress isn’t just unpleasant; it can also negatively impact your health. Indications that you’re overwhelmed by stress may manifest as persistent headaches, frequent illnesses, disrupted sleep patterns, heightened anxiety, diminished concentration, heightened frustration, and decreased libido. If you find that stress is significantly affecting your daily life, integrating stress-relief practices and seeking guidance from a mental health expert can be beneficial.



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