Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Can Secondhand Marijuana Smoke Affect NonSmokers?

Further research on the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke is imperative, given the uncertainties surrounding its health implications. While the known risks of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke, such as cardiovascular and respiratory issues, prompt concerns about similar health hazards from marijuana smoke, additional studies are needed to elucidate this connection. Secondhand marijuana smoke shares many toxic and carcinogenic compounds with tobacco smoke, often in higher concentrations, amplifying the potential health risks. Understanding how secondhand marijuana exposure impacts children is particularly crucial, as it contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana use. Children can absorb THC through secondhand smoke, leading to psychoactive effects, and recent findings indicate detectable THC levels in children exposed to marijuana users at home. Given the potential repercussions, children exposed to THC face possible negative health effects, with research suggesting parallels between adolescent marijuana use and cognitive impairments, such as attention and memory deficits. Hence, exploring the ramifications of secondhand marijuana smoke exposure on children’s health is imperative.


  • Marijuana smoke contains some of the same toxins and chemicals and tobacco smoke.
  • More research is needed to fully understand the risks of marijuana smoke.
  • Marijuana smoke contains higher amounts of harmful chemicals and toxins than tobacco smoke.
  • Children and youth exposed to marijuana smoke are at risk of cognitive impairments and other health concerns.

Smoking marijuana should be avoided due to the significant health risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke. Research indicates that secondhand marijuana smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke, potentially leading to cardiovascular and respiratory issues. Additionally, children exposed to marijuana smoke can absorb tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of marijuana, which may result in negative health effects, including cognitive impairments and developmental issues. Therefore, avoiding smoking marijuana is essential to protect both individual and public health.



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