Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Ways to Say No to Marijuana

Despite the many health risks and concerns with marijuana use, people may still push others to use it. You may find yourself in a difficult situation with friends when they are trying to force you to use the substance too, and it may be hard at times to say no. In this post we will […]

What Is Motivational Enhancement Therapy?

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) is a short term therapy used in treating alcohol and substance abuse disorders. This therapeutic approach focuses on encouraging people to feel more motivated to quit substance use and alcohol. Quitting may be difficult for many people who suffer from substance abuse disorders, in this case MET can be helpful by […]

9 in 10 Teachers Need More Resources to Care for Students’ Mental Health

Last year 2023, Verywell Mind surveyed 1000 highschool and middle school students for Verywell Minds Mental Health in the Classroom Study. Teachers reported their experiences in handling mental health issues, effective strategies, and the resources they need to better help their students. This survey found that 81% of teachers felt responsible for their students mental […]

The Truth About Smoking Pleasure and Nicotine Addiction

Many smokers find quitting challenging because of the pleasure smoking brings for them. Some say that it’s about the ritual of lighting and taking a puff, others say that smoking calms their nerves and removes stress. Regardless of the satisfying effects, smoking does still raise concerns for health. In this blog post we will list […]

Will I Miss Smoking Forever?

Many smokers find quitting difficult, even long after stopping some may still miss the habit. It’s important to note that nicotine cravings or nicotine withdrawals are not permanent, they will not last forever. When you go a while without smoking you will crave it less. This article will cover why you miss smoking, bringing some […]

The Link Between Happiness and Health

There is a profound interplay between happiness and health, both impacting the vitality of the other. Research confirms that happiness does affect ones health, so that age old saying “laughter is the best medicine” may actually be true!. “Experiences that induce positive emotion cause negative emotion to dissipate rapidly. The strengths and virtues…function to buffer […]

An Overview of Substance Use

Substance abuse refers to the hazardous use of psychoactive substances, alcohol and drugs. Substance abuse involves recurrent intake of harmful substances which leads the person to mental and physical distress. Abuse occurs when substances are used in a way that wasn’t intended, prescribed, or recommended. Individuals who struggle with substance abuse often are aware of […]

Marijuana Withdrawal

Cannabis has been one of the most commonly used drugs for years. Many consider it a softer drug little to no chance of addiction, problem use, or serious health consequences, however this is not true. Researchers have found that marijuana withdrawal symptoms occur when chronic marijuana users stop its use. Consequently, marijuana withdrawal was added […]

How Smoking Affects Your Face and Skin

Smoking has serious health risks we are all aware of. This bad habit can cause cancer, lung disease, and heart issues. Smoking can also cause wrinkles and premature aging, which can cause low self esteem, and affect your appearance. Ones skin becomes robbed of oxygen and the blood vessels become constricted, leading to a visibly […]

What Is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a type of psychotherapy used to reduce distress associated with traumatic memories and experiences. This form of therapy uses left-right  (bilateral) stimulation to help people recover from trauma. It’s thought that by using these eye movements and focusing on the traumatic thought, the memories emotional impact is […]