Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog


Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions

When life throws you a curveball—whether it’s the sting of a breakup or a stressful day at work—having healthy coping skills is like having a life raft in stormy seas. These skills aren’t just about survival; they’re about thriving. They help you navigate through rough patches, allowing you to stay grounded and balanced when everything else feels off-kilter. Coping skills are your go-to strategies for handling stress. They’re the tools

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Why Self-Preservation Is Key to Protecting Your Peace Every Day

Carving out time for yourself each day is essential for sustaining both mental and physical peace. In the midst of life’s demands and responsibilities, it’s easy to neglect personal space, but these moments of solitude are crucial for recharging. Whether it’s a quiet cup of tea, a walk in nature, or simply sitting in silence, these practices allow you to reconnect with yourself, release stress, and restore balance. Prioritizing this

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Is Someone Gaslighting You? Learn the Warning Signs

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic often seen in abusive relationships, where the abuser distorts reality to make the victim doubt their own perceptions and sanity. This insidious form of emotional abuse involves the creation of a false narrative, leading the victim to question their thoughts, memories, and sense of reality. Over time, the constant undermining of their judgment causes confusion, erodes self-confidence, and can result in the victim becoming reliant

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What Happens to Your Brain When You Meditate Every Day?

Some people view meditation as a strange or mystical practice, while regular practitioners often praise its benefits. However, what if meditation was more than just a calming routine? Research indicates that consistent meditation can profoundly impact the brain, enhancing its calmness and clarity. Dr. Mirela Loftus, MD, PhD, the medical director at Newport Healthcare, explains, “Meditation has been found to induce structural changes in the brain, particularly by increasing gray

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