Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Surrounding Awareness

10 Sneaky Signs Stress Is Showing Up in Your Body

You’re probably familiar with the word stress, but you might not have heard of overstress. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines stress as the physical and emotional reactions to challenges or stressors. This can manifest as physical symptoms like a racing heart or emotional responses like irritability (more on that shortly). Stress is an unavoidable part of life—it’s simply part of being human. The real issue arises when stress crosses

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Office on Smoking and Health (OSH)

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable illness, disability, and death in the United States. As of 2021, approximately 28.3 million U.S. adults smoke cigarettes, with over 16 million living with at least one smoking-related disease. Additionally, 58 million nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leads national efforts to reduce tobacco-related deaths and chronic diseases. Through partnerships and tobacco control initiatives,

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Marijuana and Lung Health

Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug, with its health effects largely determined by how it’s consumed. It can be smoked using pipes, bongs, joints, blunts, and vaporizers or consumed through products like e-cigarettes, candy, brownies, beverages, and capsules. While this discussion centers on marijuana and lung health, it’s crucial to recognize other health concerns, such as neurological and cognitive effects, as well as public health issues like accidental pediatric

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Is Anxiety a Mental Illness?

Anxiety is a natural part of life that everyone experiences at some point, whether it’s feeling nervous before a big event, getting butterflies in your stomach, or dwelling on a stressful situation. While these feelings can be uncomfortable, occasional anxiety is not considered a mental illness. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, persistent, and significantly impacts daily life, it may indicate an anxiety disorder, which is a diagnosable mental health condition.

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