Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Surrounding Awareness

Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions

When life throws you a curveball—whether it’s the sting of a breakup or a stressful day at work—having healthy coping skills is like having a life raft in stormy seas. These skills aren’t just about survival; they’re about thriving. They help you navigate through rough patches, allowing you to stay grounded and balanced when everything else feels off-kilter. Coping skills are your go-to strategies for handling stress. They’re the tools

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Cannabis-Involved Emergency Department Visits Among Persons Aged <25 Years Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Emergency department (ED) visits involving cannabis increased among youths aged 0–14 years before 2019, coinciding with the expansion of cannabis legalization across the United States. During the COVID-19 pandemic, cannabis-involved ED visits were higher than in 2019, with significant increases observed among children aged 10 years and younger, as well as those aged 11–14 years. Notably, rates among females aged 11–14 years increased more than those among males. To protect

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Smoking, Gum Disease, and Tooth Loss

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a serious infection of the gums that can impact the bone structure supporting your teeth, potentially leading to tooth loss in severe cases. Smoking is a major contributor to severe gum disease in the U.S. The condition begins with bacteria on your teeth that can slip beneath the gums, forming layers of plaque and tartar. This buildup can cause early-stage gum disease, known as

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Tobacco Use and Oral Health Facts

If you’re a smoker or know someone who is, you’ve probably heard all the usual warnings about lung health, but smoking’s impact on your oral health doesn’t get talked about as much. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, and smoking can wreak havoc on it in ways that might surprise you. From stained teeth to serious diseases like oral cancer, the effects can be pretty harsh. So, let’s

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