Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Tips for Going Out When You’re Trying Not to Smoke

Many people find that going out and socializing with friends may trigger the urge to smoke. While on a quitting tobacco journey, it may be tough to break the habit of lighting up a cigarette with friends. Knowing how to not feed the urge to smoke in social gatherings can be extremely useful and good […]

Addiction (Marijuana or Cannabis Use Disorder)

Marijuana or Cannabis use disorder is the continued use of the substance despite the harmful impacts its causing in ones life. In these cases it is very difficult for the person to quit, and this is when professional help is needed. Those with marijuana use disorder may also have difficulties in learning, memory, and attention. […]

How to Calm Down Quickly: 9 Things You Can Do Right Now

Stress sometimes finds its way into our life, and this can even make it difficult for us to keep up with daily life. Stress has been proven to even lower immune system, affect pre existing mental health conditions, and cause heart trouble in some individuals. Living a stress free life is important in order to […]

8 Organizations Advocating for Equity in Mental Health Care

Many marginalized communities are not able to access quality mental health care. This is due to injustices that stem from oppression, discrimination, unjust policies, and a lack of insurance coverage. Much is being done in promoting equity in mental health so that more underserved communities are able to access the resources they need. Having culturally […]

How to Stop Smoking Marijuana

Many people believe that marijuana is totally harmless and safe, it’s depicted as a no-risk drug that anyone can use. However, this is not true, there are countless health risks associated from marijuana use. Using marijuana has been shown to raise the risk of even developing certain mental health conditions, one in particular is Schizophrenia. […]

How to Know When It’s Time to See a Therapist

It can oftentimes be hard to know when it’s time to see a therapist. Throughout our lives many of us may have considered taking a therapy session or two. Knowing when it’s time to see a therapist can be difficult, if you’re feeling like anxiety, depression, sadness, or anger are causing disturbances in your daily […]

What Are Cigarettes?

A cigarette is a cylindrical roll of fine chopped tobacco leaves that are wrapped in paper and then smoked. Cigarettes are designed to be smoked at one end, while the other end is lit. Many cigarettes have filters which trap some of the smoked chemicals, however the filters do not trap all of the chemicals […]

What Is Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks)?

Flashbacks can be caused by hallucinogenic drugs, and it’s quite common for many who’ve used drugs to experience; for some the flashbacks may be bothering, while others may not find them troublesome. There are times when these flashbacks can be intense, frequent, and quite unpleasant, even for those who are currently abstaining from drug use. […]

Behavioral Health Equity Best Practices for African Americans

On monday, February 5th, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), Office of Behavioral Health Equity, held the Behavioral Health Equity Best Practices for African Americans. SAMHSA’s Division of Children and School Mental, Mental Health Promotion Branch, Suicide Prevention Branch, and the 988 & Behavioral Health Crisis Coordinating Office were a part of this collaboration […]

How Narcissistic Abuse Can Cause C-PTSD

Understanding C-PTSD begins with realizing that it is not an official diagnosis but a combination of symptoms in response to trauma. The American Psychiatric Association is currently working on including C-PTSD in the DSM’s next edition, professionals may also include it in future editions. C-PTSD has been added to the 11th addition of the  International […]