Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

5 Signs of Marijuana (Weed) Addiction

Addiction to marijuana is not common, roughly 1 in 10 people however will become addicted. When someone struggles with marijuana addiction they may exhibit some of these common symptoms: strong cravings, loss of interest in other activities, withdrawals, increased tolerance for marijuana, continued marijuana use despite negative consequences. Although marijuana is the most widely used […]

Mental health in Mandarin Chinese: a starter kit for dialogue

Mental health is quite personal, multifaceted, complex, and this holds true to each individual. In some Chinese households mental health is not a casual conversation topic, which may make it more difficult for certain individuals who struggle with mental health to ask for help. Bilingual children who speak Chinese at home and English in school […]

How Parents Can Deal With the Stress of Their Kids Going Back to School

Changes in routine can sometimes be stressful for families, especially when it relates to school, work, academic concerns, and separation anxiety. This kind of shift can add stress to parents and kids, however everyone is affected differently as well. For example, some parents and kids may not be as stressed by significant transitions, while others […]

What to Know About Childhood Depression

Many adults struggle with depression, and many believe it’s only an adults condition. However, children are also likely to develop depression. It’s unfortunate that many children live their lives with untreated depression because adults sometimes don’t realize that their children are depressed. It’s extremely important for adults, parents, and teachers to learn more about childhood […]

What Are the 5 Top Stressors in Life?

We all encounter stress at some point in our lives, it’s actually a normal part of life. Stress is something that we all experience differently, sometimes it can be brought on by financial issues, new job, moving to a new home or relationship difficulties. It’s important to note that stress is temporary, and with healthy […]

How to Navigate Teenage Mental Illness

If you suspect your teen may have mental illness, you may be asking yourself how can you help, or what can you do?. Most parents will not ignore their teens physical health, in the same way it’s important to not let mental illness in teens go untreated. Sometimes however, there may be a lack of […]

Hookah Smoking and Risks

Hookah smoking is just as harmful as smoking traditional cigarettes. Hookah tobacco also has many harmful chemicals and toxins, some of which may also cause oral, lung and mouth cancers. Hookah uses specially prepared tobacco, sometimes with flavorings added such as mint, apple, chocolate, cherry, etc. Smoking hookah also poses the risk of addiction, which […]

599 Ingredients and Additives in Cigarettes

Did you know what is inside a cigarette? Here is a list from 1994 that tells you everything that goes into just one cigarette. It’s also important to note that while some of these additives may not be toxic on their own, when combined with other additives or burned, such as when smoking, they can […]

18 Effective Stress Relief Strategies

We all encounter stress in our lives, from major life changes, or some minor stressful events. We may not be able to always control how events unfold in our lives, however we can always control our response to stressful events. Stress can effect our well-being, becoming chronic at times, leaving us feeling trapped or weighed […]

Does smoking marijuana increase lung cancer risk?

Marijuana use has become even more popular than it has been in past years. Many states have recently passed new laws legalizing recreational marijuana use. Research has shown that legalization increases marijuana use almost 20%. With marijuana becoming even more used by more people, we should learn more about how it can affect lung health. […]