Cannabis-Involved Emergency Department Visits Among Persons Aged <25 Years Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, 2019–2022

During the COVID-19 pandemic, cannabis-involved emergency department (ED) visits among young people under 25 years rose significantly, according to CDC data from the National Syndromic Surveillance Program spanning 2019–2022. Weekly averages were consistently higher in 2020, 2021, and 2022 compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019, with notable spikes among children aged 10 years. While ED […]
5 Types of Self-Care for Every Area of Your Life

Self-care is essential for maintaining balance and preventing burnout, as no amount of stress-relief activities can compensate if we neglect ourselves. Defined as a “multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being,” self-care simply means ensuring our physical and emotional needs are met. It involves reconnecting with our […]
Health Problems Caused by Secondhand Smoke

There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke, as even brief exposure can cause immediate harm. In adults who do not smoke, secondhand smoke increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and adverse reproductive health effects in women, such as low birth weight. For infants and children, secondhand smoke is […]
Having Trouble Meditating? A Mantra Can Help

The term mantra comes from Sanskrit, where “man” means mind and “tra” signifies tool or vehicle, making mantras a sacred set of phrases that can transport the mind to a meditative state. Originating from the ancient sound “Om,” considered the sound of creation, mantras were first recorded in Vedic Sanskrit over 3,000 years ago, as […]

Cigar smoke contains the same toxic, cancer-causing compounds as cigarette smoke, making it dangerous for both smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke. Cigars deliver nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can hinder brain development and make quitting tobacco difficult. Even people who claim not to inhale cigar smoke are still exposed to harmful chemicals, […]
How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body

Cannabis, often called marijuana, weed, pot, or grass, is a drug derived from the cannabis plant. It can be consumed in various ways—smoked, vaped, eaten, or even brewed into drinks. While many use it recreationally for relaxation or enjoyment, it’s increasingly being prescribed by doctors to address certain medical conditions and symptoms. Cannabis contains compounds […]
Cannabis Frequently Asked Questions

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, weed, pot, or bud, refers to the dried flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant. This plant contains over 100 compounds called cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is mind-altering and causes impairment, and cannabidiol (CBD), a non-impairing compound that does not produce a “high.” How Is Cannabis Used? […]
Health Effects of Smokeless Tobacco

Smokeless tobacco might seem like a safer option, but it comes with serious risks that are hard to ignore. It can lead to nicotine addiction and increase the risk of deadly cancers, including those of the mouth, esophagus, and pancreas. Users face diseases like leukoplakia and oral cavity cancers, and pregnant individuals risk early delivery […]
How to Respond to Psychogenic Fever

Psychogenic fever is a psychosomatic condition where body temperature rises (fever) without any medical cause. Instead, psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or emotional distress are thought to trigger it. This highlights how closely mental and physical health are connected. Research in Japan examined psychogenic fever’s patterns, revealing it is most common in 13-year-olds and occurs […]
Cannabis and Other Drugs

Researchers disagree on whether cannabis acts as a “gateway drug,” leading to the use of more dangerous substances like cocaine or heroin. While evidence linking cannabis use to an increased risk of using other drugs is limited, frequent or early cannabis use may raise the likelihood of dependence or addiction to other substances, including alcohol […]