Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Pipe Tobacco Health Risks

It may seem like pipe tobacco is less harmful than cigarette smoking, however this is not true. When pipe tobacco is smoked it releases harmful chemicals and toxins that are inhaled, and may also get into the bloodstream. Smoking pipe tobacco also increases the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) […]

Key Facts About Cigars And Their Health Risks

Despite the cultural allure of cigars, they still hold some health risks that should be noted. Many cigar smokers associate cigars with sophistication and relaxation, however just like any other tobacco product they still are damaging to the body. There is a common misconception that because cigars aren’t inhaled they are less dangerous than cigarettes […]

Reducing Marijuana Use

Cannabis use has become a popular drug of choice, it’s commonly used as a recreational drug for its psychoactive properties. The active compounds delta-9 Tetrahydrocannbinol (THC) and Cannabidiol CBD interact with brain receptors, which results in altered perceptions, relaxation or the feeling of being high. While cannabis is becoming more legally accepted for recreational and […]

What Is OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive distressing thoughts, known as obsessions, which lead individuals to engage in repetitive behaviors. These receptive behaviors are known as compulsions, and are often performed to alleviate the discomfort caused by the obsessions. The compulsions can be quite consuming and disrupting, making it difficult for […]

Meditation and It’s Many Benefits

Meditation is an ancient technique that has been practiced by spiritual communities across the world for centuries. There are many different forms of meditation, and approaches to practice may differ by country. Although meditation has been associated with religions such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, such mindfulness techniques have been observed by non religious communities […]

Unique Dangers of Smoking for Women

Tobacco use has risks regardless of gender, these risks include certain cancers, lung disease and heart disease. It’s important to note that women face unique challenges when it comes to tobacco use. Women who smoke are at greater risk of developing reproductive and maternal complications, reduced fertility and ectopic pregnancies. There is also a higher […]

Barriers To Mental Healthcare In BIPOC Communities

BIPOC (Black Indigenous and People Of Color) communities often encounter barriers when seeking access to mental healthcare. Due to systematic racism, discrimination, and lack of culturally competent health care providers, many BIPOC individuals may be reluctant to seek help. Economic inequality limits financial resources, making mental health services inaccessible. With a shortage of mental health […]

The Risks Of THC OIL

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in oil form is one of the most popular methods of use among youth and adults, however using it in oil form also poses potentially serious health risks that should be considered. Due to the concentrated nature of THC oils, it’s very likely to use it in excess which can lead to paranoia, […]

Ending Stereotypes About Asian Americans

AAPI individuals like many other minorities have been victim of racist stereotypes. Stereotypes are cruel, mean, and racist, leaving many individuals who experience this form of racism feeling a range of emotions and it can be very damaging to individuals who suffer with mental illness. In order to combat this issue its important to first […]

Intergenerational Trauma And Healing In AAPI Communities

“It’s important to feel like you have permission to grieve lost oral histories because you can’t access your elders in their language, or grieve years of your adolescence that you lost trying to fit into mainstream culture.  Find others with these shared experiences of intergenerational trauma, exchange stories, and build solidarity in shared experiences.”  Molly […]