Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Overwhelmed? Do These 5 Things Today

Therapy is an incredible tool for managing mental health, offering a safe space to talk through issues and learn coping mechanisms. However, it’s important to remember that therapy alone can’t address all the stressors we face daily. Incorporating helpful strategies into your everyday routine can make a big difference in combating stress. Simple practices like […]

Young men at highest risk of schizophrenia linked with cannabis use disorder

NIH study highlights the need to proactively screen for, prevent, and treat cannabis use disorder especially among young people. NIH A study led by researchers at the Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health found that young men with […]

A Letter to Those Grieving This Father’s Day, From a Therapist

The early Father’s Days were meant to recognize and celebrate the roles fathers play in their children’s lives, acknowledging the shift from fathers who worked long hours in factories, leaving most of the child-rearing to mothers.  Verywell Mind The essence of summer often conjures up images of backyard barbecues, baseball games, and the refreshing taste […]

Top 10 Stress-Relieving Hobbies

In our fast-paced world, it is crucial to carve out time for activities that are purely enjoyable as a form of self-care. Engaging in hobbies can significantly improve mental health and alleviate stress. Hobbies offer a break from daily routines, allowing individuals to focus on something they love, which can lead to a sense of […]

Health Effects of Cigarettes: Cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases where cells grow uncontrollably, invading other parts of your body. These rogue cells can spread through your blood and lymph systems, which normally help clear toxins. There are over 100 types of cancer, each named after where it starts. For instance, lung cancer begins in the lungs, and laryngeal […]

As a Therapist, Here Are the 5 Most Common Things People Bring Up in Therapy

Therapist Theodora Blanchfield is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist and mental health writer. In her career she has noticed there are certain things people bring up in therapy sessions. Today we will go over the 5 most common things that people bring up in therapy, take note, maybe this post can be of benefit […]

Is Anxiety Genetic?

Anxiety disorders often run in families, leading many to question whether anxiety is inherited. Although the precise causes of anxiety are not fully known, studies indicate a genetic link. If a close family member has an anxiety disorder, your risk of developing one is approximately two to six times higher. Anxiety, like many mental health […]

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to highlight the significance of mental health and wellness in the lives of Americans and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. For over 20 years, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has observed this month every May to raise awareness about the crucial role […]

7 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life

Uncovering the meaning in your life is essential for gaining a sense of control, satisfaction, and overall happiness. Recognizing that your efforts matter is a key element of a fulfilling life, although this significance differs for everyone. Finding your purpose can lead to increased motivation and resilience, helping you face daily challenges with a clearer […]

20 Defense Mechanisms We Use to Protect Ourselves

Defense mechanisms, which are unconscious psychological strategies that protect individuals from anxiety, threats to self-esteem, and uncomfortable thoughts or situations, have become embedded in everyday language. For instance, you might describe someone as being “in denial” about a problem they face, or say they are “regressing” to an earlier stage of development when they revert […]