Behavior Health and Wellness Blog

Behavior Health
and Wellness Blog

Smoking and COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a collection of conditions that obstruct airflow and lead to breathing difficulties. COPD encompasses diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. With COPD, reduced airflow occurs through the airways, which are the tubes responsible for carrying air in and out of your lungs due to one or more of […]

How to Cope With Extreme Anxiety

While occasional worry is a natural aspect of life, if your anxiety feels unmanageable or overpowering, it may indicate a mental health disorder—fortunately, anxiety-based issues are often highly treatable. Discover the distinction between normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder, and explore steps to address severe anxiety if it’s adversely affecting your well-being, offering avenues toward […]

Smoking and Cancer

Cancer is a term used to describe a variety of illnesses characterized by the uncontrollable division of abnormal cells, which can infiltrate surrounding tissues. These rogue cells have the capacity to metastasize, traveling to distant parts of the body via the bloodstream and lymphatic system, which typically function to eliminate toxins. With over 100 distinct […]

Color Therapy Types, Techniques, and Benefits

Color therapy, or chromotherapy, employs colors and light to address various mental and physical health concerns, with its roots tracing back to ancient Egyptian practices. Utilizing sunlit spaces adorned with colored glasses, the Egyptians explored the therapeutic potential of hues. Despite its historical precedence and occasional traction, color therapy remains largely marginalized within Western medicine. […]

Heart Disease and Stroke

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), encompassing heart disease and stroke, afflict millions worldwide. The primary culprit among heart conditions in the United States is coronary heart disease, colloquially known as coronary artery disease. This condition entails the gradual narrowing of blood vessels responsible for transporting blood to the heart. A stroke happens when the blood flow to […]

How to Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART goals, whether in therapy or at home, empowers you to articulate your intentions clearly and implement them effectively. The SMART acronym underscores the importance of goals being specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. By employing SMART goals, you not only gain a structured approach to goal-setting but also cultivate a sense of ownership […]

Understanding Enabler Behavior: Motivations, Signs, and Strategies for Change

Enabler behavior, though often well-intentioned, can perpetuate unhealthy patterns in relationships or situations. Whether it involves substance abuse, codependency, or other destructive behaviors, enablers inadvertently shield individuals from the consequences of their actions, thereby impeding their growth and recovery. Recognizing and breaking this cycle is crucial as it allows the sufferer to confront reality and […]

Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure?

When stress gets to you, your body undergoes rapid changes: heart rate escalates, muscles tense, and blood pressure surges. This persistent state of tension, if sustained over time, is strongly associated with the development of high blood pressure, medically known as hypertension. Consequently, managing stress becomes pivotal not only for immediate well-being but also for […]

50 Positive What-If Questions to Ask Yourself to Stop Your Mind from Spiraling

It’s important to understand that frequently imagining worst-case scenarios is a natural tendency due to our human predisposition for a negativity bias, and it doesn’t reflect any fault or flaw within you. While our pocket-sized phones can accomplish almost anything we imagine, the evolution of our brain’s wiring hasn’t matched this rapid progress. When our […]

Stress Relief Techniques for Every Type of Stress

Navigating stress relief can feel daunting amidst life’s demands, yet discovering techniques tailored to your personality and circumstances can foster resilience and mental well-being. Embracing stress-relieving practices that resonate with you offers invaluable support for your mental health journey, making the effort truly worthwhile. Whether you’re seeking to bolster your mental well-being with a couple […]